
Saturday is a Special Day...

Well, not much happened today.  I worked all day and then did some grocery shopping on the way home.  Taylor got to go golfing with his Dad and some friends.  Lily and Alexis made cupcakes with Nana.  Now the girls are in bed and I am straightening up the house before tomorrow.  (Which is what I should be doing right now.  :) .  But as I was going about the day today, I kept thinking of things I want to remember later.  So...  Here are two things I want to remember.... when Alexis says goodbye to someone, she loves to say "See ya", like she is a big girl or something.  The other thing is that Lily LOVES the Ghostbuster song and sings it at the top of her lungs....  maybe I should get a video of that.  She loves taking the "blue" car because she knows a CD with that song on it is there. 

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