
It's Late, But I'm Still Awake

It is after midnight and I am still awake while most "normal" people have been tucked into their beds for hours.  I couldn't help it.  I have an english project due Thursday, as well as an exam, and tonight was my only night to touch either one...  So, for english we have to write an instruction manual.  I thought I would pick something easy.. so I picked How to Make a Child's Art Smock.  Hah ha well, it sortof got out of hand...  Here, you can see for yourself why I am just finished sewing and still wide awake...

Here is the beginning...  before I knew exactly what I was getting myself into (but I guess I have only myself to blame)...

 And here's the finished "art smock".  (Actually, I wanted to add a pretty fabric flower to it, but finally stopped myself.  It is WAY too late for that. )  :)
 And here is what was happening outside while I sewed...
SNOW!!  I am actually kind of excited.  Lily has skates and I wanna go skating a lot more this year.
Also, you should know that my sewing/writing an instruction manual project took me 3 movies long... 
I watched New Moon first, then went to Iron man, and finished off with a relaxing Runaway Bride.  Talk about a long project.  (Atleast the girls were in bed for most of it, so I don't feel bad for neglecting them. )
And, I got about 7 pages of notes that now have to be made into a professional looking instruction manual... but I don't want to think about that now.  I am suddenly very tired.
Good night all.  I will see you in the movies.  :)


  1. And still you had time to blog about it! Honestly I'm tired just thinking about it. Cute smock though!

  2. I would give you an A+ on the smock!! It is SO cute.

  3. nan pace yourself...but you did get 3 movies in and a nice look at the snow, and a book of notes done, wow, you did a lot in one night....i have to say i agree with sarah that deserves an A+

  4. I miss you- and I hope you aren't stressing yourself out too much- you need some sleep!
